
Robert Schwarztrauber

Robert Schwarztrauber of CreativePhotographyTricks.com

About the founder of CreativePhotographyTricks.com,                           Robert Schwarztrauber

Robert Schwarztrauber views photography not merely as a means to capture and record visual images for fun and profit, but rather as a unique vehicle to a healthier and happier lifestyle. “There exists in everything created, by man or by God, an inherent beauty. What better way to live can there be, but to wake each day and look with expectation for what’s beautiful…find it, photograph it, and share it with others?”

His passion for photography was first explored in high school where he spent many hours each week taking photographs with film and processing them in the darkroom. But only recently, through digital photography, has Robert explored and gained a better understanding of the full range of opportunities that photography can provide for better health, wealth, wisdom…and Fun!

On his website TotalFitnessPhotography.com, Robert reports on opportunities for better physical and mental health through photography. Articles there reflect his own research and that of other noted experts on the connection between the physical act of getting up and out to take photos and its power to improve the entire body when combined with the stimulating brain and thought activity involved in photography. Robert’s many expert articles on this topic may also be found at EzineArticles.com.

As a member of the National Association of Photoshop Professionals (NAPP), Robert is committed to helping others advance their skill in the art of digital photography as well.

Creator of “The Original Photoshop Tip Cards”, and “The Original Photoshop Recipe Cards” he offers everyone the opportunity to improve their photographs and income opportunities using Photoshop Digital Image Editing software. His tips, tricks and secret shortcuts for improving the quality of your photos using Adobe Photoshop software can be found on his blog at PhotoshopHouseOfCards.blogspot.com or at PhotoshopTipCards.com.

CreativePhotographyTricks.com was started in 2011 as another way to share Robert’s interesting tricks, tips and techniques for creating the most interesting photography in the simplest way possible. While you could easily spend $10,000 on equipment to create special effects, Robert prefers to invest brain power. “I want everyone to be able to create great photographs, not just the rich”, says Robert. And he should know how. His photographs have won a great many 1st place awards in internationally judged photo competitions. And if his photos are not first place…they regularly beat out all the rest to win a spot in the top 5.

Not with fancy equipment. Not with the latest and greatest software. (He still uses the basic Nikon D40 for most of his work and an old version of Photoshop PS7).

But by effective use of the 6 inches behind the camera…your brain and it’s magnificent creative powers! The good news is you don’t have to think of yourself as creative to get started. Creative photography is like doing a magic trick. Once you discover HOW it was done, you’re like, “Oh…I want to try that!”. And away you go.

Inspiration and ideas are easy to find. Since photography has gone digital, there are millions of photographs available for view on the internet. Most of them pretty average, but if you know where to look (and what to look for) you will be amazed and instantly inspired.

In his quest to bring you the latest and greatest creative photography techniques, Robert will introduce you to ideas, websites,  and products that will help you on your journey to greatness! While not everyone can go on to national gallery fame, everyone CAN get their family and friends (and  maybe their paying clients)  to ooh! and aah! at their amazing creative talents. And maybe put a few extra dollars in the bank as well.

“An investment in knowledge and education pays far more dividends than an investment in photo gear.”

The greatest and most expensive equipment in the world will produce disappointing results without the creative brain working behind them.

Please take advantage of the tricks, tips and techniques here to improve your photography and the fun you have doing it.

All of the resources offered here have been created by or personally proven to be effective by Robert Schwarztrauber.

Now, you too can use them for amazing results! Take action now!

Here’s a great resource I highly recommend to get you started…

Trick Photography

Trick Photography Secrets

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